How To Contribute: Many Paths to Success
We are sorry to inform you that 2017 post competition activity is at a pause. However, we forsee either late this spring or this summer, we will be accepting new members in order to reassemble the house on campus.
Team Maryland is now participating in Solar Decathlon Europe 2019. We would love to have you.

Become a Team Member
If you are a student or professional in the University of Maryland community, we look forward to meeting you! Come to our weekly AllTeam Meetings on Wednesdays 7-9 pm. No matter what your major, there are various subgroups you can work on. We need your enthusiasm!

Donate Materials, Tools, Gifts
The success of our project relies upon the generosity of suppliers and individuals. Our needs include all types of construction materials, building tools, and scientific instruments. Small cash gifts will help us with activities such as travel arrangements. We appreciate your generosity.

Partner Through Sponsorship
Sponsors partners with us in creating a sustainable future through innovation and design. Your sponsorship will unlock the power of hands on education as Team Maryland moves forward through the competition, from the design phase, to prototyping, and into the final competition.
Get in Contact
If you are interested in contributing materials, tools, equipment, etc. please fill out the form below. In the Subject box, please indicate what you are interested in contributing to our team. We ask that you make sure to include your contact information in the body of the message.